Would you like to pay almost ZERO in monthly processing fees?

As consumers cash in on ever-increasing Rewards Points, the profits of merchants continue to sink. We think it’s time for practical solutions for cost-conscious businesses. That’s why we’re helping businesses across America Take Charge of their payment processing fees by virtually eliminating them completely!

Ready to get Started? SIGN UP TODAY >>

So What Are The Advantages of the Take Charge Program?

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What merchants we work with have to say about us

The owner of Old Bridge Professional Dry Cleaners in Matawan, NJ has this to say about the Take Charge Program…

“I’ll be honest, at first I was skeptical about whether this would work or not. After being on this program for a few months now, I could not be happier with the results. I LOVE not having to pay to process credit and debit cards now. I highly recommend this to anyone!!”

Owner, Old Bridge Dry Cleaners

Ben & Mindy Dickerson, owners of the Liquidation Outlet in Fernandina Beach, FL told us this about our program…

When we opened our business a little over a year ago, we quickly realized what a huge expense it was to accept credit cards from our customers. When we heard about the Take Charge program and the fact that it could eliminate our processing fees, we were naturally skeptical. In our first month we have already saved over $1,000, and are getting more customers paying with cash. If you’re a business owner and you like keeping your money, sign up for Take Charge today!

Ben & Mindy Dickerson, Liquidation Outlet

The owner of Hair Apparent in Tallahassee, FL is not only happy but absolutely sold on the Take Charge Plan…

“I spent years paying high processing fees. When I got the opportunity to try the Take Charge program, I jumped right in with both feet and never looked back. I thought I might get a little pushback from my clients, and as a hair stylist, I thought it may affect my tips. Neither was the case, anybody who questioned the program didn’t mind paying with cash, I have yet to lose any clients, and my tips were not affected at all. Better yet, I am paying ZERO to process cards. I love the program and wish I could have switched years ago.”

Hair Apparent

Ready to get Started?  CONTACT US NOW >>

Take Charge of Your Processing Fees

High-rate rewards cards are costing merchants a fortune.
Start Taking Charge by virtually eliminating those fees and rewarding your cash paying customers.